About us

Breda Game City is non-profitorganisatie die zich richt op het stimuleren van de videogames industrie in Breda en het creëren van een professionele, gezonde & creatieve omgeving voor de industrie.


Vanwege ons brede netwerk kunnen wij op maat ondersteuning bieden aan het gehele ecosysteem waar nodig. Door de korte lijnen met de regionale overheid, bedrijfsorganisaties, onderwijs en wetenschap, kan Breda Game City efficiënt inzetten op het opstarten en opschalen van studios in de regio. 

In het bijzonder werken we nauw samen met de Gemeente Breda en de Breda University of Applied Studies (BUAS) om te voorzien in de specifieke behoeften van studio’s, studenten en andere partijen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de professionele ontwikkeling van de videogamessector en/of partijen zich in en rondom Breda willen vestigen.

We moedigen organisaties aan om een ​​gezonde, veilige en inclusieve werkomgeving toe te passen. We nemen het voorbeeld door ons zo positief en inclusief mogelijk te laten besturen en tegelijk ondersteunen en stimuleren wij een breed scala aan organisaties die zich op deze thematiek richten.

Door continu nieuwe wereldwijde kansen en partnerschappen te verkennen en te initiëren, streven we ernaar een ​​voorloper te zijn in het maken van hoogstaande games en het organiseren van creatieve en innovatieve evenementen.

Ons doel is om Breda internationaal op de kaart te zetten door het zichtbaar maken van het veelzijdige Bredase talent. Ook zijn wij er om de ideale factoren creëren voor (nieuwe) bedrijven om zich in Breda te vestigen. We ondersteunen de ontwikkeling van studio’s in Breda en streven ernaar een volwaardige hub in West-Europa te worden voor game-ontwikkelaars. 

Breda beheerst de perfecte mix om een krachtige game-ontwikkelingshub te zijn vanwege de lokale sfeer, locatie en infrastructuur.

Accordion Content

Breda ligt in het zuiden van Nederland, nabij Eindhoven, Amsterdam en Rotterdam, en profiteert van uitstekende internationale reisverbindingen, maar met een hogere levensstandaard en lagere kosten dan de Randstad. We profiteren van één van ’s werelds best beoordeelde opleidingen op videogame gebied; BUas – Breda University of Applied Sciences. 

Breda is de ideale locatie om nieuwe studio’s op te zetten en bestaande studio’s verder te ondersteunen. Het doel van Breda Game City is om dit zo gemakkelijk en soepel mogelijk te laten verlopen!

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Breda Game City is opgericht in 2020 door een team van experts die zich verbonden voelde in het wederzijds besef van onaangeboord game-ontwikkelingspotentieel in de stad Breda.


Matthijs van de Laar (he/him)

Matthijs is medeoprichter en creatief directeur van een Bredase gameontwikkelstudio Twirlbound. Tijdens zijn tweede jaar van de International Game Architecture en Design opleiding ...

René Otto (he/him)

René is an award-winning video game lawyer at Van Iersel Luchtman (VIL). At VIL he has founded and leads the only full-service legal team in the Netherlands which focuses on providing legal advice ....

Prof. Mata Haggis-Burridge (he/they)

Mata is an award-winning game designer and writer with over twenty years experience of both AAA and indie development, including ‘Burnout Paradise’, ‘Aliens Versus Predator’ (2010), 'Resident Evil Resistance' ...

Panji Oudsen (he/him)

Panji is a marketing specialist with a focus on the creative industry, specialising in a wide range of disciplines in marketing, project management and events. As an event manager he has been involved ...

Sabina Dirks (she/her)

Na het behalen van haar masterdiploma heeft Sabina diverse ondernemingen succesvol opgezet en gerund: onder andere een marketing- en communicatiebureau, een uitzendbureau voor minderheden, een taxiblad en een foodtruck. Inmiddels is Sabina ...

Matthijs van de Laar (he/him)

Matthijs is the co-founder and creative director of a Breda-based entertainment game development company, Twirlbound. While in the second year of his International Game Architecture and Design course at BUAS in Breda, he and his long-time friend Marc decided to make their side-project more official and start a company to hit the ground running after graduation. Matthijs went on to design, produce and direct their first award-winning title ‘Pine’, with which they soon proved themselves in the global game industry as an indie company focusing on ambitious, colorful open worlds.

René Otto (he/him)

René is an award-winning video game lawyer and is frequently asked to share his insights and knowledge on the legal aspects of video games as a speaker on international events and as a guest lecturer at Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) and HKU. Because the well-being of the video game industry is close to his heart, René has frequently committed himself to represent the Dutch industry on a national level regarding topics such as the regulation of loot boxes as well as the evaluation of the Dutch Copyright Act. Furthermore he always tries to use his extensive network of contacts to create opportunities for people in the industry and to ensure the inclusivity and diversity of the industry in his role as a Women in Games Ambassador. For his contributions to the Dutch game industry he was awarded the title of “Gamechanger of 2019” at the inaugural edition of the Game Bakery Awards. 

Prof. Mata Haggis-Burridge (he/they)

Mata is an award-winning game designer and writer with over twenty years experience of both AAA and indie development, including ‘Burnout Paradise’, ‘Aliens Versus Predator’ (2010), ‘Resident Evil Resistance’, and in collaboration with Techland’s narrative team on mission writing/design for ‘Dying Light 2’. They are the Professor of Creative and Entertainment Games at Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), and the owner of the narrative and game design consultancy Copper Stone Sea. They have spoken regarding game design, diversity, and narrative design at numerous international events, including multiple GDC and Develop conferences, and regarding ethics in AI for TedXDelft. Recently, Mata has consulted on writing, design, and creative direction on multiple AAA and indie titles, on national and international research/education policy, and is working on original creative projects.

Panji Oudsen (he/him)

Panji is a marketing specialist with a focus on the creative industry, specialising in a wide range of disciplines in marketing, project management and events. As an event manager he has been involved with events such as the Gamescom Holland Pavilion, Extrema Outdoor NL, Games [4Diversity] Game Jam 2017: Child’s Play, Tilburg Hap Stap festival and Dutch Game Summit. Furthermore, he has been involved with Healthcare connector UCREATE, La Cloche Hospitality and video game companies such as Dutch Games Association, Degoma among others where he led various marketing related projects and activities. In recent years, he has been working on creating a better position for the Dutch video game industry by connecting, supporting, and facilitating its members in various ways. 

Sabina Dirks (she/her)

After obtaining her master’s degree, Sabina has successfully set up and run various companies: including a marketing and communication agency, an employment agency for minorities, a taxi magazine and a food truck. Sabina is now an experienced project and event manager working in the games industry since 2006, having worked on numerous game related projects and events. In addition to large conferences, Sabina also ensures tight organization behind projects such as the Games [4Diversity] Jams and the international Courage Events in Cologne (during Gamescom) and San Francisco (during Game Developer Conference). As Operations Manager of the Dutch Games Association, Sabina led all activities, projects and events of the association. In addition, Sabina is committed to various non-profit organizations. She is a board member of Games [4Diversity] and chair of the EBorFoundation.

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